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Cuffley Soccer Tournament

The dates for this years annual Mini Soccer Tournament 2025 are still not finalised for a variety of reasons but our hope is to be able to host the tournament on the weekend of Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th of June. 


As the date is still TBC, we are simply at this moment in time asking for 'registrations of interest'.


Therefore if you are interested in our tournament with the hope to book your team(s) on then please email with the following information: 


* Your Team Name

* Your Age Group

* Your Email Address

* Your Phone Number

* The league your team plays in

* The division your team plays in

* Your County affiliation number


If you wish to enter multiple teams, we will need this information for each team.  Be sure in the case of multiple teams to give them different names - for example Cuffley Stars U15 Maroons and Cuffley Stars U15 Blues


At this point, we are not sure which age groups would play on what day but as previous we anticipate operating U7 through to U15 inclusive.


We hope to have everything confirmed within the next month and will then be in touch with all teams who have expressed interest.

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